Collapsible content

  • 和精油とは?アロマ業界で人気が出始めた日本の自然の香り

  • ストレスから解放されたい時にアロマがオススメな理由/②和精油のストレス緩和に関する研究

  • 精油を飲んだらダメ!リモネンの破壊力について

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A blog that makes life with Japanese essential oils come true


Antibacterial action alone is not enough to pre...

Hello. I am a member of "Living with Japanese essential oils", a specialty store for Japanese essential oils and domestic natural cosmetics. The rainy season is finally approaching. Are you...

Antibacterial action alone is not enough to pre...

Hello. I am a member of "Living with Japanese essential oils", a specialty store for Japanese essential oils and domestic natural cosmetics. The rainy season is finally approaching. Are you...


How Yoshino Hinoki essential oil is made, just ...

This time, when doing mindfulness The No. 1 essential oil you want to use Yoshino cypress essential oil and aromatic distilled water how it is made I would like to...

How Yoshino Hinoki essential oil is made, just ...

This time, when doing mindfulness The No. 1 essential oil you want to use Yoshino cypress essential oil and aromatic distilled water how it is made I would like to...


Ah, to save the laundry from the half-dried sme...

Our laundry doesn't dry. When I was wondering if there was anything I could do to save the laundry that was starting to smell half-dried, I suddenly saw Yokan Aroma...

Ah, to save the laundry from the half-dried sme...

Our laundry doesn't dry. When I was wondering if there was anything I could do to save the laundry that was starting to smell half-dried, I suddenly saw Yokan Aroma...



こんにちは。 和精油と国産ナチュラルコスメの専門店「和精油のある暮らし」の中の人です。 なんとかサイト移転リニューアルオープンにこぎつけ、 落ち着く…かと思いきや、まだまだ修正しないといけないところが沢山ありますので、コツコツ作業は止まりません。 今まで、アメブロやnoteなど、プラットフォームを変えてブログを書いて参りましたが、如何せんSNSにも手を出しすぎて情報が分散してしまっていました。 今後はTwitterの範囲を超える長い文章は、なるべくこのブログにまとめていきたいと思います。


こんにちは。 和精油と国産ナチュラルコスメの専門店「和精油のある暮らし」の中の人です。 なんとかサイト移転リニューアルオープンにこぎつけ、 落ち着く…かと思いきや、まだまだ修正しないといけないところが沢山ありますので、コツコツ作業は止まりません。 今まで、アメブロやnoteなど、プラットフォームを変えてブログを書いて参りましたが、如何せんSNSにも手を出しすぎて情報が分散してしまっていました。 今後はTwitterの範囲を超える長い文章は、なるべくこのブログにまとめていきたいと思います。

節分に考えたい「魔」を「滅」する香りとは 和精油のある暮らし ブログ

What is the scent that “destroys” “demons” that...

On Setsubun, what is the scent that “destroys” “demons” and Japanese essential oils that ward off evil spirits? Let's consider various trivia and the history of aroma.

What is the scent that “destroys” “demons” that...

On Setsubun, what is the scent that “destroys” “demons” and Japanese essential oils that ward off evil spirits? Let's consider various trivia and the history of aroma.

MUSE NEST has relocated as "Living with Japanes...

This time, MUSE NEST has moved the site as "Living with Japanese Essential Oils".

MUSE NEST has relocated as "Living with Japanes...

This time, MUSE NEST has moved the site as "Living with Japanese Essential Oils".