Let's grow healthy hair with "Kikake Shampoo" with the scent of Aomori Hiba essential oil
It is a person in " living with Japanese essential oil ".
This time, I would like to introduce our popular product “ Kikake Shampoo ” again.
What is the appeal of “ Kikake Shampoo ”, which boasts an amazing repeat rate?
Let's take a closer look.
Shampoo developed by hinokitiol experts
“ Kikake Shampoo ” is an innovative product developed by Kisei Tech Co., Ltd., which is headquartered in Hashimoto City, Wakayama Prefecture.
Kiseitec has obtained a patent for extracting hinokitiol from natural Aomori Hiba, and is an expert participating in the project supported by the Forestry Agency's Research Association for Utilization of Extracted Extracts from Trees in 1989.
Extracting chemical raw materials such as essential oils from raw materials of Japanese trees,
We are researching and developing products that improve the quality of life.
“ Kikake Shampoo ” manufactured by Kisei Tech.
It contains a natural hinokitiol found in Aomori Hiba.

Hinokitiol is an ingredient that is expected to have an antibacterial effect.
What do you think are the benefits of shampoo?
Let's explain in detail.
What are the benefits of using trigger shampoo?
In fact, the scalp and hair are a very easy environment for bacteria to grow.
Oily, sweaty, dense,
In addition, hair has a very large surface area!
Static electricity is also occurring, so bacteria, viruses, dust,
It is easy for dust to adhere.
Therefore, natural hinokitiol with strong antibacterial power is blended.
If you wash with " Kikake Shampoo " ,
It suppresses the growth of bacteria, prepares the scalp environment, and keeps the skin in a state that nurtures healthy hair.
Worried about the price? What is the cospa of the opportunity shampoo?
Of course I tried it myself.
In fact, this shampoo is a shampoo that does not require a rinse.
One bottle costs 4,000 yen (4,400 yen including tax), so
Some people may think that it is a little expensive.
But since it's a rinse-in, all you need is this one .
It lathers well, so you don't need to use too much at a time.
For example, if it is a salon exclusive shampoo,
It is normal to charge about 2,000 to 3,000 yen for one,
Some expensive ones cost around 5,000 yen.
If you add it to shampoo, conditioner, treatment, etc., it will be a great price.
You can expect antibacterial action by shampooing and rinsing with one,
Considering that the scalp can be kept healthy,
4,000 yen may not be that expensive.
Impressions of actually using Kikake Shampoo
Human hair data inside
・Soft hair, tends to be flat ・A little ・Slightly peculiar
As a feeling that I tried using,
As I continued to use it, I felt like my roots were starting to lift.
I think there are some people who worry that their hair will get tangled without a rinse, but if you use a non-tangling brush like the "Tangle Teezer" before drying, or after brushing after drying, you won't have to worry about it.
It does not pop out of the pump with a thick texture,
While washing, the foam was fluffy, and it lathered well, so my hair was fine, but I didn't notice any creaking.
Because it does not contain silicon,
Although it is different from the image of smooth and smooth,
After drying your hair, if you comb through it once,
There was no tangling or squeaky feeling in my hair.
As for the finish, my hair feels smooth and fluffy, and it doesn't feel heavy.
In addition, hinokitiol, which is included in this shampoo, is an ingredient that is often used in hair restorers.
You can also expect a hair growth effect, so shampoo, rinse,
An image that performs the three roles of a hair restorer.
Please try the new products born in the first year of Reiwa.
I want men to use the trigger shampoo!
Men may not have the mindset to incorporate particular shampoos and fragrances into their lives.
If you have short hair that is neither colored nor permed,
I wouldn't worry too much about damaging your hair.
That's why you tend to pick up something that somehow says "men's shampoo" or something like that.
I can't say whether it's really good for your hair or not.
Is it really good because it is non-silicon?
If it is non-silicon and contains a stimulant,
On the contrary, it is also said that it is not good for the skin.
Check out the ingredients on the back of the shampoo bottle.
In that sense, this " kikkake shampoo " is a shampoo that is easier for men to use.
Recommended for men Reason: Fragrance
First, it smells good.
Since we use natural Aomori Hiba essential oil,
It has a clean forest scent.
The scent of Aomori Hiba has a deeper forest scent than that of Japanese cypress.
You can shampoo in a more stable and calming scent.
It really feels like you are bathing in the forest.
Why it's recommended for men: Shorter working hours
Next, the reason why I recommend it to men is that it is a rinse-in shampoo.
Especially for men with short hair, there are many cases where a rinse is unnecessary.
However, I think that there are people who have a problem that shampoo alone is a little squeaky.
For those who have high tone hair color
Even short hair can be painful.
However, " Kikake Shampoo " is a rinse-in shampoo with a moderately smooth finish,
You can save time with just one shampoo,
You get both with a squeak-free finish.
Recommended for men: oil content
Men's skin tends to be more oily due to hormones.
As a result, sebum stains tend to accumulate on the skin, causing odor and hair loss.
Shampoos that contain menthol
The refreshing feeling is wonderful thanks to the skin stimulation,
The effect of whether it can actually be washed is a different thing.
Even if there is no exhilarating feeling,
Fluffy lather cleanses even the dirt in the pores,
I hope you can shampoo without putting a burden on your scalp.
Kikake Shampoo is easy to use even for babies
Furthermore, it is a nice point that it can be used from babies.
This " Kikake Shampoo " is also particular about surfactants.
Because natural plant-based surfactants are used,
It is finished in a shampoo that can be used safely even from babies.
So, I think that 4,000 yen is not expensive at all for one family.
I've been talking about the price for a while now.
It's also nice that the time to wash your hair is shortened because you only need one.
For those who are busy with work and study every day,
It is also recommended for those who have a hard time washing their children's heads.
Kids playing around in the bath tend to do this.
Some people may want to wash their children's skin with a soap-based shampoo,
If you use a soap-based shampoo, you need a proper rinse.
It's like citric acid, vinegar, etc.
For example, I'm a boy and my hair is short and I just need shampoo! If you use only soap-based shampoo without rinsing...
Your skin will become rough and rough.
Or maybe it's a mess full of soap scum...
This is the difficult part of soap-based shampoos.
However, there is no such difficulty with " Kikake Shampoo " .
The action of natural hinokitiol may calm down those who are prone to rough scalp environment.
Please try it once.

If you are a repeater, you can get a large refill !
It is a 1 liter container and has a heavy weight.
For detailed information about the ingredients of hinokitiol, please read the article titled "Hinokitiol vs Drug-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae".
We are talking on stand.fm.
If you are interested, please visit both!
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